Thursday, August 13, 2009


You know you're ready to come home when you pull a tick off your body. I am so done with this quasi-camping nonsense! It's funny - I was really homesick during the day yesteray, but I've been so busy and happy today that I'm not sure I want to go. Funny, that.

Yesterday was Father Wasson Day, so we had a special mass and then an assembly and lunch at the school (no classes). I ended up going into Tegus with a friend last night. Erin, I thought you'd like to know that we ate Totino's pizza for dinner. It was like a little slice of home. ;) There was a big soccer game versus Costa Rica last night. We didn't even have to watch it because you could hear the entire city erupt with each goal. Today, we went running around all day shopping for Olimpiadas stuff. The kids on the U.S. team wanted to release balloons like during Obama's election, so we searched high and low for helium. We actually ended up renting a canister to fill something like 300 balloons. It is so bizarre to be in the city and see all the graffitti regarding the coup and the huge military presence. Yesterday, the protestors rioted and set fire to a fast food restaurant. We saw the burned out building today. So it was a crazy day, but we did have a nice lunch of crepes and fresh strawberry juice.

Remember how I wasn't going to join an Olimpiadas team? Well, when we got back to the Ranch today, I got suckered into joining one. Team 12 didn't have any extranjeros, so I am now part of Team Cuba. I volunteered to dance since that's sort of my comfort zone, so I'll be performing tomorrow night!! I just spent the last three hours practicing and choreographing as well. We're not even done and the performance is at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. I'm at the school until 12:00, so it will be interesting. Apparently, that is sort of par for the course. And then Saturday is an exhausting day of playing games. I'm actually really glad I joined - I feel more connected to the Ranch that way. I'll probably post for the last time Sunday, after I have slept in and packed. Back Monday! :)

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